29 March 2008

Monkey See...

Have you seen this? I saw my first episode last night after catching bits of previews from last week that piqued my interest. Bridge Man and I sat in front of the TV and tapped away to see if his urge for nachos and my craving for jelly beans would go away with this acupuncture based technique.

First you tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap your left cheek bone.

Then you tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap your right collar bone.

Next you'll tappity-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap the side of your hand.

Then you tap-a-tap-a-tap-a-tap-a-tap-a-tap the back of your hands.

And without moving your head, continue tapping the back of your hand while looking left.

Look right.

Now roll your eyes in a counter-clockwise fashion.

Now the other direction, all the while tapping the back of your hand.

Now hum your favorite tune.

(Don't forget to keep tapping.)

Count to five.

Hum again.

And you're done. That's it. You've just saved yourself from inevitable guilt caused by the face-feeding that was about to commence. You (Read: I) crave jelly beans no more. (Or maybe I ate the entire bag. Whatever.)

This morning, Bridge Man came to me:

BM: While I was getting ready to make breakfast I grabbed for the frozen waffles and then thought to myself, do I really want to eat these? So I tapped my face, I tapped my hand, I rolled my eyes, and I hummed a little ditty. When I was done, I thought again, do I really want these waffles? Am I really hungry?

X: And?

BM: Yep, I still want waffles.

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