29 June 2007

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I'm... bored

For the last two days I've been sick. Wednesday I thought I would tough it out and go to work but didn't make it past noon. I called my boss to whine about not feeling well and she let me go home. The next day I felt equally as ill and called in sick to work for the entire day. Looking past the pile of snotty tissues and empty cough drop wrappers I felt a bolt of excitement as I knew that I was going to have all day to myself. No one to steal the remote when they're sick of watching the Project Runway marathon, no one to get dolled up for, no one to judge me for eating last nights cold pizza for breakfast in addition to my huge bowl of Frosted Flakes. I was free to do what I wanted.

The morning began with me getting up around 8:30. I grabbed my pink, fuzzy blanket out of the closet and crashed on the couch with the remote, a glass of OJ, a bowl of cereal, and some cold pizza from the previous night. I excitedly flipped through the stations and gleefully fell upon a marathon of the fashion sort. I then finished my healthy breakfast, got up to pee, sat back down on the couch, looked at the clock... a mere 30 minutes had passed. I was bored.

How could I be bored when I DREAM of these rare occasions? It had been months, no, years since I'd had this type of opportunity. Have I lost my couch potato abilities? Am I doomed to a life of stretching myself too thin and ENJOYING IT?? My thoughts drifted to who I could call, where I could go, and how I could pass the time.

Nothing. Everyone's at work. It's the end of the pay period (meaning, no cash). And Project Runway was the only thing enticing enough to occupy my time.

For those of you who made it through this post, congratulations, you have the attention span of a saint. For those of you who didn't, WAKE UP, I'm done rambling.


25 June 2007

First is the Worst

Since this is my first blog I'll try to fill you in on me but I can't promise anything good. Since no one wants to hear my life story, and I'm sure I'll fill you in here and there in future blogs, I'll begin with a story that explains a lot about me and who I am.

It was winter break in the middle of my 7th grade year and my genius grandparents got me a karaoke machine for Christmas. Along with the machine was a tape (yes, I said tape) that contained four songs, two of which I can remember: Achey Brakey Heart and I Will Always Love You. This tape got a good work-out as I would repeatedly rewind and re-sing each song all day long. I made sure the windows of my bedroom were always open just in case a musc mogul would happen by, hear my amazing warble, and want to sign me to a record deal right then and there.

These events eventually led to my own talk show. I would lock the door to my room (as I shared it with my sister) and I would set everything up Oprah style. I would take on the role of Miss Winfrey herself and would always, ALWAYS interview Whitney Houston (pre Bobby Brown). Once it was time for Whitney to sing (we were on a first name basis) I would switch roles and belt out I Will Always Love You until the audience cried out for an encore. Then I'd sing it again.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog. I'm out.

Later gater.