03 July 2007

Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Muse Gone?

Last night I spent my time on activities that epitomize the floating of my proverbial boat. If you don't know what I mean by this, take a moment to check out my profile.

Over my lunch hour I forwent the notion of foodstuff and nourishment and instead went to the bead store so eloquently named, The Beaded Pig. I spent my allotted hour sifting through oodles of gems, beads, charms, ornaments, crystals, chains, stones, tools, thread, glass, and other such fabulous trinkets. I was in 'pig' heaven as I exited the store with purchases in hand. My mind was all atwitter with inspiration. So much so, I barely made it through the rest of the daily grind.

Now, for my fellow virtuosos out there, you know as well as I that inspiration is fleeting. Once it's gone, it's gone. Forever. You must then move past that moment and wait ever-so patiently for the next. Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, my muse... my flash of inspiration... my motivation was gone. Before you roll your eyes, you have to understand, for me ideas come at the most inoppotune times. In a dream at 2 a.m. While I'm driving through a torrential rain storm. And once they come, I hold on to them with the grip of Andre the Giant.

After work, I sat in vain with my pieces, moving and shifting them from one spot to the next in hopes of regaining a sliver or remnant of my previous brainchild. Yet again, nothing. Desperately, I went out into the more commercial world of retail to hit up some craft stores. However, nothing is open in this town past dusk. I could see tumbleweeds for crying out loud! (Not really, I live in the midwest.) I did find a store with 10 more minutes before closing time and as a last ditch effort purchased a canvas and some paints. (Not even close to beading, I know.) With this medium, I had no trouble finding inspiration which resulted in a gloomy nude painting. It seems that the imaginative winds are a-changin for this wannabe artisan.

We'll have to wait to see what the future holds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great! I haven'tchecked your blog out until today babe but I'm hooked! lol. It makes me laugh and it makes me miss you and I feel your pain on the comings and goings of inspiration! haha. This is cool! Keep me posted :-D