12 July 2007

A Spotless Mind At Work

* I have a test tonight and haven't studied an ounce.

* I almost ran over a bunny today and now it's all I can think about.

* I'm the 'Guest Book Lady' in a wedding this weekend (not even good enough to be a brides maid) and I spent how much on that dress??!!

* Now I have to buy shoes to match.

* Still thinking about that bunny. I saw him run off the road, so I know he's OK but I had to roll down the windows in my car so the wind could dry the freaked out tears from my eyes before I got to work.

* Do you think she'll let me wear flip flops to her wedding??? I have green ones!

* I wish I was outside. I need a tan.

* Little Bunny Foo-Foo hopping through the... intersection...

* Last night I went to Lowe's and purchased PVC piping, electrical tape, a dowel rod, and a hand saw. Anyone want to hula hoop??

1 comment:

Xteener said...

Got a 100% on the test, by the way. I'm a stud.