The next day was my birthday. The big two-six. During the days prior to this, my day of birth, friends asked what I wanted to do in celebration. My response consisted of a quick shoulder shrug and subject change, in one fluid motion. I was really quite good at it. When the day finally came to fruition, Bridge Man was out of town on a business trip and my friend, J, whom I dub Moon Beam was in St. Louis signing her life away. (We will get to that little gem in a bit.) So I spent the evening walking around Tar*get until a disembodied voice told me that the store would be closing in five minutes and I should make my final selections and head to the front of the store.
The next day, Tuesday, I went to work in my continued state of funk. The work day went on as usual; me and my uber fake, uber cheese smile and overly-perky attitude to appease the man. I fooled them all. (Insert evil laugh here.) When I returned home, Moon Beam stopped by to wish me a belated birthday and share her thrilling news. (Sense the sarcasm.) She had just signed up for the National Guard for six long years. I realize that Moon Beam is a big girl and can make her own decisions and as a good friend, I should support her and her endeavors but this news couldn't have come at a worse time. I don't know if you remember so let me give a quick recap: me = funk. Therefore I was anything but the good, supportive friend that I should have been. That evening after I found out that my little sister, Smash, had coincidentally also signed her life away that day, but to the Navy, I inappropriately said to Moon Beam that they would both be dead by next year. Judge all you want. I judge myself for that doozy of a statement. There is no excuse. Fortunately, M.B. seems to be very understanding of my attitude. She has experienced the wrath of my bad moods in the past and is being very understanding, no matter how undeserving I am.
The remainder of the week was fairly uneventful other than my continued funk-a-fied state, from which I've since moved on. We did take a quick trip North to visit the family this weekend. It ended up being just the thing I needed to turn my mood around. In an effort to keep from taking you, the reader, down in my funk here are some pictures of the hilariously, fun frisbee game I played with my sibs and Bridge Man this weekend.
1 comment:
OMG! Did I really look like that? I know exactly how you feel though, that's why I couldn't wait any longer for my new tat. I needed something extreme to make me feel better.
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