25 June 2007

First is the Worst

Since this is my first blog I'll try to fill you in on me but I can't promise anything good. Since no one wants to hear my life story, and I'm sure I'll fill you in here and there in future blogs, I'll begin with a story that explains a lot about me and who I am.

It was winter break in the middle of my 7th grade year and my genius grandparents got me a karaoke machine for Christmas. Along with the machine was a tape (yes, I said tape) that contained four songs, two of which I can remember: Achey Brakey Heart and I Will Always Love You. This tape got a good work-out as I would repeatedly rewind and re-sing each song all day long. I made sure the windows of my bedroom were always open just in case a musc mogul would happen by, hear my amazing warble, and want to sign me to a record deal right then and there.

These events eventually led to my own talk show. I would lock the door to my room (as I shared it with my sister) and I would set everything up Oprah style. I would take on the role of Miss Winfrey herself and would always, ALWAYS interview Whitney Houston (pre Bobby Brown). Once it was time for Whitney to sing (we were on a first name basis) I would switch roles and belt out I Will Always Love You until the audience cried out for an encore. Then I'd sing it again.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog. I'm out.

Later gater.


Anonymous said...

haha thats funny. You wer pretty confident leavin the window open! I would have never done that!

Anonymous said...

Haha, oh man, I must admit, I did the same thing when I was little with the singing!! I bet my neighbors got annoyed with me...