09 November 2007

Blogger's Block

It’s official. I haven’t blogged in 14 days and I have bloggers block. Thus the basis of this uber creative title. It’s not that I haven’t thought about what I could write about or that I’ve completely abandoned my Spotless Mind. Of course not. It’s because I’ve been so up and down these last weeks I thought I’d spare you my drama. (You, meaning the two people who actually read my blog and the random person who ran across my humble web-abode after Googling “poopy underroos.” Not joking here people. This crazy cat is either a mom looking for a remedy to clean her kids soiled drawers or… well, I won’t go there. It’s just too messed up.

Anyway, I thought, in lieu of said bloggers block I’d leave you with this.

Everyone can use a good monkey grin. It made me smile.


Anonymous said...

WHOA, is that an albino gorilla?! It has a heart-shaped nose! There's something poetic about a heart-shaped nose, but I'm just not sure what...

Anyway. We'll still be here when your block clears.

Librarian Girl said...

Blogger's block sucks.

That monkey photo, however, rocks out.

Xteener said...

T: That is, in fact, an albino gorilla. I was immediately drawn to his heart-shaped honker.

LG: You have good taste in monkeys.