I must admit I've been sucked into the vortex that is this political campaign, the ever controversial "Race for the White House". Last night I passed up the option of school, you know, that thing that will hopefully make me a living one day, to watch the debate. I missed the first one because of school and couldn't bear the idea of missing all three. Was it worth it? Well, there was much to be desired but I'm glad I trudged through.
As I've stated before I wouldn't have the passion for politics if it weren't for Bridge Man. The boy is passionate about his politics. Check out this letter he e-mailed to senator McCain just this last week.
"John McCain: Your recent attacks toward Barack Obama claiming he "pals around with terrorist" are completely untrue and you know it. Over the last 2 years you have become a George W. Bush and Karl Rove style politician. You are spewing the same kind of garbage that was spewed about you by those two despicable people in the 2000 campaign. I used to have respect for you because you were one of the few politicians who actually treated those with whom you disagreed respectfully. If you weren't such a sellout you could have easily won this election. Because of your dishonorable and unpatriotic behavior reminiscent of Bush and Rove you have lost all of my respect and I find you to be not only a disgraceful senator but a disgraceful human being. Your choice of Sarah Palin is also disgraceful simply for the reason that it is well known your first choice was Joe Leiberman and because the "base" didn't approve of a democrat, God forbid, you went with a choice to please their irrationalizations instead of a choice that was based on the question "who is best for the country?". You have disgraced yourself and become someone other than the person for whom I once had respect. You will lose this election and our country will benefit greatly."
What can I say, when I'm not there to supervise his political intake, he gets mad and foams at the mouth.
I've been trying to think about each candidate with an open mind although sometimes I feel as if my opinion is already made. At our house, we spend a lot of time watching MSNBC, CNN, and on Sunday mornings, Meet the Press. And with my open mind, I can't help but feel that maybe, just maybe (dare I say it?) the news is biased. There are certain stations that are blatantly right wing and some that are blatantly left. And the idea that the news I watch does more than simply inform makes my eye twitch.
I know that I could simply choose to watch a different station but the fact is, no matter how curious I am, there are only a few programs I can stand to watch. So my question to you is, where do you get your news? Do you tend to watch/read news based on your preferred candidate? Maybe I should forgo news, stick to a simple list of the issues, and vote for the candidate I agree with most. Maybe that's the key.
1 comment:
I listen to and watch as many different sources as I can stand. However, when I am deciding who to vote for, I look at voting records and other non-newsy info. Project Vote Smart is one of my favorite tools for that purpose. Factcheck.org is good too.
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