17 April 2008

The Luckiest People

I just wanted to announce it to the world that Bridge Man and I are undoubtedly the luckiest couple in the world. Before your gag reflex kicks in, please take a moment to let me explain. But before I explain, I'm going to take a quick detour.

The lottery.

What are the chances of winning the lottery or the Publishers Clearinghouse sweepstakes? How many people actually win these things? What would you do if you won mega millions? Would you turn to Ed McMahon and say no thanks, I'm not interested - My five-figure salary will suffice for now. Can I get you something to drink Mr. McMahon? Would you say that winners of these lotteries have defied the odds? I think you would. Well then, ladies and gentlemen, Bridge Man and I have defied these minuscule odds - five times! No, we haven't won the lottery. Ed McMahon hasn't shown up at our door with a really big check and some balloons. Not yet anyway. I may already be a winner after all.

Let me explain.

The moment Bridge Man and I got engaged our names and addresses were instantaneously sold to wedding vendors across the globe who immediately took it upon themselves to mail us every pamphlet/brochure/magazine/coupon they could stuff into our mailbox. And those who were really lucky somehow managed to get a hold of my cell phone number. One of my personal favorites from this really lucky lot, is A*merican Presti*ge. They like to call and tell me how I've been randomly selected as the winner of a four-day, five-night vacation to the location of my choice. All I have to do is attend a presentation that night about Tupperware and pay my own airfare. That's all!

The first time I got this call, I listened to the nice ladies mantra before I graciously declined. The second, third, and fourth time they called to tell me that I was picked out of millions as the winner of this fantastic vacation package getaway I was at work and unable to answer the phone. They would call three and four times in a day because the day you are selected to win you must go in to see the Tupperware presentation that night or you are disqualified to receive the amazing prize. So you'd think that I'd be disqualified after the second or third or even the fourth go-round.

Oh, no. In fact, my name was miraculously chosen out of millions for the fifth time as the winner of this dream vacation. Only this time I answered the phone. And as I sat there silently listening to the nice lady tell me about this great prize, I wonder if I should stop her before she gets too deep into her script or if I should be polite and listen even though I already know my answer. I decide to forgo manners if for no reason other than to make her job easier. I interrupted her to very nicely decline. Why should I make her go through the entire five minute monologue when I already know that it's a waste of her time? Anyway, like I said, I was polite and said no thanks. To which she abruptly said, OK, and hung up. (Which makes me so glad I gave it so much thought.)

So I ask you, is there anything luckier than being randomly selected to win a dream getaway FIVE TIMES? I think not. Bridge Man and I must be some of the luckiest people in the world.

1 comment:

sneal_says said...

You really are lucky. How many more times do you think you'll be "lucky" again?