18 March 2008

Twenty-Something; The Learning Years

This is something that I've been hearing a lot about lately. Supposedly, when I turn 30 I will look back on the last decade of my life and say, "Hot dog! Glad that's over. Now I can move on to the living years of my life." I will have made all of my mistakes. I will have learned all there will be to learn. The time will have finally come to pass down my wisdom to the next generation and hope that they are able to learn in order to become successful thirty-somethings.

For those of you who don't know, I'm closer to thirty than I care to admit. Not close enough to panic quite yet, but close enough for me to pop a few Tum*s to ease the discomfort. (Just to clear the air: I do not believe that 30 is old. I'm talking mile-markers here people.) Sometimes I can't help but wonder if I've met my learning quota per my years as a twenty-something. Or if I've surpassed those in my age bracket and therefore qualify as an honorary thirty-something. (How fabulous would that be?)

I may be a twenty-something with some experiences under my belt, but a buffoon I am not. I am able to admit that I do not have knowledge beyond my years. (Well, I may have some knowledge.) But, generally speaking I'm right where I should be.

I think.

Who am I kidding. I have no idea. I could go back and forth on this all day long.

Case in point:
While a twenty-something, I have learned...
  • How much of a nincompoop I was in my teen years.
  • That while young and unattached (not including Bridge Man) and have the opportunity to reinvent myself. I am not defined by my degree or my career.
  • I'm not too young to have gray hair.

While a twenty-something, I have failed to learn...

  • That I don't have to know all of the answers right now. One mistake won't damage me for life.
  • How to politely dispose of all the negative people in my life.
  • How much of a nincompoop I really am.

Here's hoping that I am able to learn these things, and maybe put them to use so I can successfully graduate into my thirties without making a complete fool of myself. I still have a few good years as a twenty-something left.


sneal_says said...

Just think, unfortunately I am waaaaay closer to the big 3-0 then you and I still don't think I know anything yet.

Bonnie said...

When / if you ever figure out how to politely get rid of the negative people, will you please send me an email with detailed instructions?

french panic said...

WHO are these crazy people feeding you this crazy garbage that turning 30 means you have learned how to live life?

Are these the same self-righteous folk who think that if you aren't married, with a mortgage and a "career" by the time you are 30 that you're a loser?

There is no one definition of "success", either. I think that sticking your fingers in your ears and making nonsense noises when someone starts telling you where you should "be" at those so-called milestones - well, it's an appropriate response to a ridiculous statement at ANY age.